Today began early for me. I went with Axi to help with the dance. Megan got to come a little later with Gram. She had my hot chocolate and arrived at the school safe and sound. Megan spent the morning with Ray. Ray was building shelves and Megan was helping when she could. She built a small “sub” out of some scrap wood and nails.
Megan played outside with the “outsider” today. One of the started crying and she walked over and tried to comfort him. Her big heart really showed today.
We went to Lake Navasha. On the way to Lake Navasha, we were stopped by the police for a road check. They carried large guns and we were a bit tense. The countryside was so beautiful, so green and lush. We sat at Belle’s Inn and ate some samosas and French fries. It was so quite and relaxing. Ester’s sister met us at 2:30. We took a car up the mountain to Ester’s parents home. The car went so fast and we were really scared. On the way up the mountain there were zebras walking on the countryside. It makes you remember how the animals roam around the country. We kept saying we would not be able to walk up the mountain because we were out of shape. Megan kept saying, “The German’s could do it!” My mom had told her a story of when she climbed Mt. Kili and the Germans climbed with out porters and came back to carry mom’s pack as well. Megan is hearing so many stories and remembering them all. Her father and mother were waiting at the road for us. They cheered and jumped up and down as we arrived. A huge feast was prepared for us. Megan said, “This is HUGE!” Megan enjoyed playing with Kevin and all the other children. She went outside and chased the cows. Toni made a new friend as well. I made the baby cry…I hope it was because I had the camera and the flash scared her. It began to rain, so they told us we should leave or the road would be too bad to get back down the mountain. When we got about half way down, Ester’s sister called and said we had left Gram’s passport and money. We had no other choice but to try to go back up and get it. The whole way they slipped and slid all over the road. Gram said it was the scarcest ride of her life. Megan kept hoping Gram would make it back down the mountain. We were happy to see her when she made it home.
Megan is counting down the days to see Kyle.
Dear Megan,
Another day of adventure - this time traveling to the mountain and visiting with friends! I wonder if the mountains there look like our Blue Ridge mountains? I'm glad that you didn't have to climb the mountain, and very glad that your Grandmother made the second trip in the rain safely.
I love stories, and it sounds like you are learning many stories. And you are also creating new stories!
We miss you (and your Mom and Dad and Kyle) at church and look forward to reading your blog each day. We are also counting the days until we see you again.
Pastor Steve and your Peakland friends
It sounds like you had another interesting day on your trip to Lake Navasha. Did the ride scare you? I think I would have been a little frightened to be slipping and sliding everywhere. I am certainly glad that God was watching out for your Gram and helped her get back down the mountain safely the second time. It seems that you all had a nice visit and a wonderful feast with friends. I know that you are enjoying your trip and making a lot of new friends, but I am sure that you are starting to become anxious about getting home. I bet your Dad and Kyle can't wait to see you and give you the biggest hugs ever. I have really enjoyed your blog so much with all the super stories. I am happy that I have been able to take part in your trip in this way. I can't wait to hear more about the trip when I talk to you and your Mom in person. What are samosas? I am going to try to look it up to find out. It must be pretty neat to just see animals out anywhere along the countryside. Well, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your trip and adventures. As usual, I will be checking back soon to hear more. Take care and God bless!
Marsha :)
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