Today was another wonderful day at the school.
Megan said, “I love being at the school, but I get nervous when so many kids surround me.” I tried to explain that they were only interested and wanting to hear her talk and see what she does. Today I think she felt more comfortable with all the children. Megan had a rough nights sleep and was up most of the evening. I let her sleep in a bit this morning and Gram had hot chocolate waiting for her at breakfast. We headed to the school and began our work. Megan and I helped Axi work with the dancers learning a western dance. Megan was more and more comfortable. She showed off her cartwheels and gymnastics moves. She joined in playing some games at recess and interacted more and more with the children. She was awesome today, she helped when needed and made the day pleasant. We had a worship service with the teachers. Later in the afternoon, we headed to the giraffe farm. Megan was so tired, but she was so excited to pet the giraffe and feed them. It was a bit gross with all the spit drooling out, but very funny to watch Megan get tickled at the Giraffes.
Before dinner we talked to Kyle and Charley. Kyle and Megan really enjoyed talking to each other. Tonight we had a short meeting and then Megan feel asleep fast. I hope she will sleep all night.
We are looking forward to tomorrow as we are going into some classes to read and do activities.
Today was another amazing day filled with lots of memories and blessing! There is so much we want to do and the days fly by fast.
Please keep the principal and his family in your thoughts and prayers as Gilbert, the principals father in law, and man who started the Mercy Care Centre passed away today.
Megan, you look pretty tiny beside that BIG giraffe. Your mom's photography caught you in the midst of a "headstand" I suppose.
I'm glad you are getting to know the people. Continue your good work...
Megan, great pics! Keep showing all your moves off! It's looks like you're having fun! Good luck with teaching your Western dance. I know you'll do great. Talk to you later.
It seems like you are having a great time so far! You are so special to be so young and want to make such a difference in the lives of others. I hope that your Mom will continue to add your adventures and pictures each day because it has become an important part of my day. I am so thankful that there are people like you all to do mission work. It must have been neat to be so close to that giraffe! I bet the children really enjoy watching you perform gymnastics for them. I cannot even imagine how much you will learn in your two week stay and how this will be something that will change your life and the way you look at the world forever. Take care and make sure you get good sleep so you can be ready for each day. God bless you all in everything that you do and my prayers and thoughts will continually be with you.
Megan, you are ONE CUTE TRICK!!!!
I love and miss you sweetie!
Hi Megan from Brianna and Angela,
I saw that you got to see a Giraffe, have you seen any other animals?
Have a great day!!
Angela Bosher
Hello Bethany and Megan,
It sounds as though you are having a great time. Everything is fine on the homefront. Have a great day.
Jan Daniels
I love your blog! It is fun to read about the very important work you are doing in Africa. This will be an experience you will cherish forever - thanks for sharing it all with us!
Safe travels! I can't wait to read more!
Sarah Knapp
Hey Megan! This is Alexis Castanes. I love the giraffe farm pictures. Glad you're having fun. Miss you. I'll talk to you later.
Megan, Glad your trip is off to such an exciting start! I didn't know they actually had Giraffe Farms! How cool! Make sure to remember any cool songs they sing to you guys and bring them back to share with me!! Keeping you guys in constant thought - take it all in, you'll remember this forever!
Hey Megan!
It looks like you are really having lots of fun!! I love the giraffes!! I hope you are enjoying meeting all the children and spending time with them.
Take care,
How exciting for you and how fun for me to follow you on your great adventure! Don't you just love giraffes? They are so cool. I know you are having a wonderful time and making lots of new friends. Thanks for the blog. I will check on you every day.
Carole Calle
Sissy I got you a new panda and a tutu I miss you
Daddy misses you guys too!
Hey sis!
I see your having an amazing time!!! Ashley are down at my bay house for the 4th of july!!!! I miss you so much :)
See you soon babe ;)
Love your BIG sis Kylie!
Megan, What a joy to read about your exciting trip and to see pictures of you and all the people you are having fun with! I want to hear about the music they sing and the instruments they play, so when you get home I want you to share with me!
I look forward to seeing you when school begins in August. Until then, God bless and keep you safe as you enjoy seeing God's creation! Love, Dr. Edwards
NLA Music Teacher
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