Megan woke up rested and ready to face the day. We ate breakfast and Gram had her Hot Chocolate waiting. I think she likes being spoiled by Gram in the morning. Joy has become Megan’s new bus buddy. Joy used to baby sit me when I was a child. So I get excited to see her and Megan interact. Joy plays these games with her as we drive to the school. Today we got points for things we saw. 10 points for a baby on a woman’s back, 50 point for hand cart being pushed, 1 point for something on their back, and 100 points for this and that. The rules kept changing as we went on. Some how Megan and Joy always won!
We began at the school teaching in the preschool class. The class has about 80 students ranging from 2-6 years old. We brought a big book and read it aloud to the children. They loved the pictures and had a great time acting out the story as we read and reread the book. Then Toni taught them a song, which they also enjoyed. Megan was a bit shy…but I guess I would be teaching 80 children as well! No more complaints from you teachers reading this blog about your class sizes!!!!
Our day was busy and Megan spent her day with Gram and Pops. She helped Gram do little things and then Pops played ball with her. They were making bookshelves for the library. The “Outsiders” or Orphans that hang around the school collected the scraps of wood and played all day with them. They used them for music, building, and Megan helped them write letters and numbers in the sawdust. She was amazing today. She played with the “outsiders” for most of the morning. There were about 6 of them. She was so happy teaching them letters in the sawdust and they were so happy to be with her. She did not want to leave them when we went inside for lunch. One little boy was especially fond of Megan. Although he never talked to her, he stayed very close and watched her every move. He was maybe 2 years old. He had collected about 6 or 7 pieces of scraps and was building shapes, buildings, and playing with them as his blocks. Megan gave him a plastic bag to keep all his pieces in. Patrick and the school take great care of these "Outsiders." They feed them and watch after them. Patrick is really modeling for the students generosity and compassion. He is instilling in them responsibility for helping others in need. 2 children had dropped their food today and he asked some student's to help get them some more. They did so willing! It was amazing to see the love they showed to these small children.
After lunch Megan gave another show. The children asked her to do her tricks one more time. She also helped with the dance today. Megan is getting more and more comfortable with the children.
Some of the classes have asked that I come to talk with them and bring that little girl. I will make sure we get there next week. Tomorrow is Field day and this will be a fun day for all the students, teachers and our team!
At the Guest House, the staff has been calling Megan, “the Little Missionary.” She has been just that. She has shown love to all the children she has encountered, she has not been judgmental, she wants to see and learn as much as she can about them as they do about her, she has been truly amazing and I am so proud of all she is doing!
Thank you all for your comments to the blog. Megan loves to hear from you and misses you all!
I have been checking several times over the last couple of hours because I know that you all are 7 hours ahead of us here in Virginia. Happily this time when I checked...more to read and more pictures! I love to read about everything that you are doing and seeing the pictures just helps me to visualize even more. I find myself getting teary eyed just knowing all the good work that you all are doing. I am sure that you realize that every tiny thing is a big deal to those children. I wish I could be there will you all because I know that I would absolutely love it. I am so happy that you are allowing me to be part of your trip and your adventures by reading and responding to your blog. Keep up the incredible and amazing work! I will keep all of you in my daily prayers and thoughts. Take care! I am waiting anxiously to hear more!
Dear Megan, I just got back from the beach and I love reading about your trip. By the way did the giraffe farm remind you of the time when we went to the safari park and got llama spit all over the car? (heehee). I think it's wonderful you're learning about another culture. I am going to Global Village camp next week to learn about places all over the world. Is there anything special you're doing for the 4th of July? I can't wait for my neighborhood picnic. I hope we can have a playdate in August when I come to visit Grummy.
Love, Kate
P.S. Say to the kids from me!
Even though you all are far from home, I wanted to wish you a happy 4th of July! God bless you!
Megan, I know your Gram and Grandpa are delighted that you and your mom were able to go this year. What a special year this is.....three generations sharing the love of Christ with the MCC.
What a "special" time it is.....
Keep up the good work......
Praying for you all.
The Greenes in N. C.
Lydia, Ms. Beth and Mr. Lee Ray and Sarah in Poland
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