Today was our first day to the Mercy Care Centre. The school is located in a slum with over 500,000 people living in 2 square miles. We had to wake Megan. She slept like a log under a mosquito net. She loved it and did not move all night long. After Breakfast, we had a short meeting and then loaded a bus to head for the school. As we pulled onto the road the school is on both sides of the street were lines with our students. They were singing songs welcoming us, waving, and cheering as we drove in. It was so overwhelming. Megan was grinning from ear to ear. I was in tears and had a hard time catching my breath. The students followed behind the bus and then welcomed us off the bus with songs and cheers. It was quite a welcome…like nothing we have every experienced.
Megan was welcomed with open arms. The teachers I knew wanted to meet her and welcomed with open arms. All of the children wanted to talk to Megan. She was not shy. She spoke with them and asked them questions. She did not wonder far from my side for the first hour, but them felt comfortable to walk to other classrooms and attached herself to others in our group.
We distributed t-shirts today and then they performed for us. They amaze me every time I see them perform. They sang, danced and did mini dramas. Megan enjoyed the children’s performance. Then we all broke for lunch. After lunch Axi, Megan and I went to work with the dancers to get organized and begin our work. We had planned on about 40-50, but there were 60-70 children waiting in a room to be a part of the dance. It was overwhelming, but we moved forward step by step. Axi did a great job teaching the children and handling the heat and stress. Megan did a cartwheel and all the children were amazed. They loved it and her. We left the school late and then had dinner and Megan went to bed early…thus the reason I am posting for her. I will get her comments tomorrow and let her post. She has asked about seeing who has posted comments to her blog. So for all who have Thank you and please keep it up!
Megan had a big experience today. She saw poverty most of you could never image. She embraced the children and was interested in them and seeing what they were doing. 2 Students were sitting playing a game with rocks. Megan watched , but maybe tomorrow she will join in.
Megan meet little Patrick and he kept coming up to me all day, just to hold my hand. I think he felt Judy and Purnell’s love being sent by me to him. He looks wonderful and give you a big smile.
I am amazed by Megan and how wonderful she has been on this trip. I am thankful for the group being so wonderful with her. She is adding smiles and lots of hugs to our group. Megan went to sleep with a smile of her face. I can only image what she is dreaming about tonight. I hope it is about the children and the love the showed us today!
Blessing and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
We will post pictures tomorrow!
Your trip sounds amazing so far! I can't wait to see pictures of everything and to hear more of your adventures. I know this has got to be an incredible experience for you, Megan! I am thinking about you and praying for all of you everyday. You are an awesome little girl, Megan, and your work for God will be rewarded.
Marsha Morris
Wow! How exciting. I know how special those children are. They now the appreciation of all little things, and how you are helping them. I can't wait to read more. Be safe! Moira
Wow! Megan sounds like you had a really exciting first day. Can't wait to see the pictures. Take care of yourself and tell you mom hi.
Mrs. Elliott
WHAT AN EXPERIENCE AND OPPORTUNITY for all of you and more especially for Megan.
We're praying for all of you and the trip.
So sorry about Gilbert. He too is in our prayers.
Carol B.
I can't wait to hear more! I find myself checking several times a day to see if there is more posted about your exciting trip. I know that this is an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Keep up the great work and keep smiling! You all are in my prayers that you will have a safe and wonderful trip. God bless you all!
What an awesome experience for Megan, mom, and the children in the village. That must be an amazing feeling just knowing that you ALL are the highlights of their day! Cassie LOVED the panda pics and is curious to check this site daily! She's amazed that she will go to the same school as Megan, the world traveler....COOL! Be safe
Dear Megan,
I love reading about your trip and seeing the photos - thanks to you and your Mom for keeping us informed about what is happening. I have printed out a copy and will share with the people at church who do not use the internet. It sounds like you are having a good time and meeting many new friends. Maybe you will teach some of them how do do a cartwheel! We miss you at church but are so glad to hear that all is well and you are having a good trip. Every day we remember you in our prayers, with love and thanksgiving.
Pastor Steve
Hey precious Megan! I am so proud of you and am certain that everyone at MCC has fallen in love with you. IT is such a treat to follow your blog and see you each day! If you are writing in your journal daily, wouldn't it be fun to publish it later? Thank you for your perspective on such a worthwhile and powerful journey. I love and miss you sweetie! Hugs to you and your sweet Mom!!!! oxox Purnell ("PP")
Hey Megan, we are so proud of all that you are doing in Africa at the Mercy Care Centre. We are so excited that you could go this year. Lydia said she wished she could have gone with YOU this year. We know that the children there are very happy to meet you and to see your mom and your grandmother and grandfather and the whole group. What a blessing you all are to the Mercy Care Centre. We will be praying for you and your family and the whole team while you are in Africa and we are so happy to read about your stories and to see the beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Give our love to all and especially Patrick.
The Greenes in North Carolina
Lee Ray, Beth and Lydia and Sarah in Poland.
Hi Megan! Your trip sounds fun and exciting. I can't wait to hear more. Be careful! Have fun! We are praying for you.
Hello Megan it is Angela. It sounds like you are having a great time and learning alot about Africa. The pictures are great. What animals have you seen in Africa. I hope the rest of your trip goes well. Have fun!!
How cool and exciting to see the kids. Sounds like a warm, exciting welcome from them. I am thinking about you and wishing you good luck and lots of fun. Talk to you soon, can't wait to hear more!
Love Grace
I can't imagine how you feel!
To be so young and doing so much.
Can't wait to read more....
Just want you to know that I've been viewing your blog daily and enjoy reading about your unforgettable adventures. Sounds like you're having a great time and making an impression at the school. You seem to be an amazing young lady. Have fun and take care!! Tell Mom "HI"
Amy Fariss
Mom's friend
Your trip sounds so interesting! You are seeing such fantastic sights! Take care!
Mrs. Simpson
Hi Megan and Mom, I have really enjoyed reading about your trip and seeing all the beautiful pictures. It sounds like you are having such a great time and enjoying yourselves. I will be checking in to see what you are up to. Stay safe and know I am thinking about you both. God Bless!
Bonnie West/TJES
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